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Los Alamos MainStreet is the only County-wide state-accredited New Mexico MainStreet program, serving businesses and the community in both Los Alamos and neighboring White Rock. Our goal is to create a thriving economy by being a partner and advocate for local businesses in our district; driving promotions, programming and events that bring more locals and visitors to our downtown; and partnering with the Bradbury Science Museum, Los Alamos Creative District, Los Alamos Historical Society, Pajarito Environmental Education Center and other organizations to simultaneously preserve our historic and scientific heritage, and revitalize and diversify our local economy. We host four primary events annually, in partnership with Los Alamos County and sponsors: Los Alamos ScienceFest (July), Los Alamos Fair & Rodeo Parade (August), Los Alamos Halloweekend & Trick-or-Treat on MainStreet (October) and Los Alamos WinterFest & Holiday Lights Parade (December). We want our respective downtowns to be a great place to live, work and play! 

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MainStreet Maps

2016 Great American Main Street Awards Winner

Los Alamos MainStreet was selected as a winner of the 2016 Great American Main Street Awards, chosen by the National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Los Alamos MainStreet was picked as “One to Watch,” for being a neighborhood making progress toward revitalizing its downtown district.


A statement issued by Patrice Frey, president and CEO of the National Main Street Center, reads, “The 2016 GAMSA winners have succeeded in making their towns an exciting place to live, work, play and visit through implementing our historic preservation-based methodology for downtown revitalization. “In each locality, the local Main Street organization has collaborated with residents, business owners and other local partners to revitalize their district by promoting the assets that makes that community special.”


The awards were presented May 23 at the center’s 2016 Main Street Now Conference in Milwaukee. A national jury composed of former award winners, community development professionals and government representatives involved in historic preservation and community revitalization chose winners. Criteria include “strength of the Main Street in creating an exciting place to live, work, play and visit, commitment to historic preservation, implementation of model partnerships and demonstrated success of the center’s approach to revitalizing downtown corridors.

Los Alamos has the only Creative District in the state of New Mexico. The development of the Creative District serves as a catalyst for supporting and developing service, restaurant, retail, and hospitality businesses within the proposed district. Its focus is to improve the community’s capacity for economic benefit from visitation/tourism. Staple events include the Tuesdays at the Square Summer Entertainment Series, as well as regular creative offerings such as cabaret shows and special events like the shadow-cast production of "Rocky Horror Picture Show." 

Our Mission

The Los Alamos MainStreet, a program of Los Alamos Commerce & Development Corporation, is building a vibrant community through a thriving economy. We leverage public and private sector investment to achieve sustainable economic development. We drive economic progress by providing services to businesses using a broad portfolio of programs and initiatives. We balance sound economic considerations with social and environmental concerns as we serve the business community, create and retain jobs, and diversify the economy.

MainStreet Futures Charter/Purpose

MainStreet Futures Committee is a forum for the coordination of downtown business interests, downtown property owners, and local government. Meetings are on the second Monday of each month.


The purpose of this group is to identify and promote new and varied uses for underutilized commercial buildings; identify new market opportunities for the downtown; identify and promote initiatives that enhance the prospects of success for new and existing businesses as well as prospects for development/redevelopment consistent with the approved downtown plan; identify and promote opportunities to physically improve public areas, buildings, and businesses downtown; provide input and advice to promotional activities of the MainStreet program; and, be a sounding board for downtown priorities and advocacy.



MainStreet Futures Committee

George Marsden (Chair), Jacquelyn Connolly (Executive Director, Los Alamos MainStreet and Creative District), Vai Reddy-Kruse, Lauren McDaniel, Ryn Herrmann, David Izraelevitz, Dan Ungerleider, Jill Lang, David Reagor, Suzie Havemann, Melanee Hand, Eva Jacobson, Juan Rael, Kristen O'Hara, Philip Kunsberg, Nancy Barlit, Patrick Duran, Sobia Sayeda, Steve Laurent.

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Los Alamos Mainstreet 

Phone Number

(505) 661-4844


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Science Fest

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Jacquelyn Connolly

Executive Director, Los Alamos MainStreet and Creative District 


Hailing from Denver, she previously worked as a curator for the Denver International Airport Art Program and the Emmanuel Gallery at the University of Colorado at Denver. Prior to that, she worked as a public art administrator for Creative Colorado (Colorado’s State Arts Agency) and the City of Denver.  Through her business as an independent arts and project management consultant, Jacquelyn’s experience as an arts administrator brought together artists, the community, businesses, and local government.  Organizing events, exhibitions, and public art projects are her specialty. 


After relocating to Los Alamos in 2018 with her husband and three children, Connolly joined several boards and organizations to learn more about the community and get involved locally.  Currently, she is a member of the Art in Public Places Board for Los Alamos, 505 Swing, and part of the 2023 Los Alamos Leadership Class. 


Vai Reddy-Kruse

Event and Social Engagement Coordinator​


A recent graduate of Cornell University, Vai has always been drawn to volunteering and helping her community grow. Back in India, she was the co-founder of the non-profit C3D, which facilitated career counseling and character development for underprivileged youth through in-person art workshops. As the creative head, she designed logos and built marketing graphics for the organization and was behind the execution of almost all creative endeavors.


As the Event and Social Engagement Coordinator for Los Alamos MainStreet and Creative District, she hopes to bring local businesses and the community together to help facilitate new conversations and growth. She hopes to make Los Alamos and White Rock downtowns livelier, and more welcoming! When not at work, she can be found making art for her small business and hiking with her husband and their dog, Katerina Puppyova. 

Copyright of Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation

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